


Periscope Report
Periscope Benchmarking




A specialist agency for Charities and Community Organisations. Services are focused on ensuring balanced organisational development and creation of a sound base from which to raise funds to achieve your aims.

Knowing the 'rules of the game' let alone the 'tips of the trade' can sometimes be difficult when operating a Charity organisation. Knowing how well your Charity is performing against others for example is not easy. Fortunately, as a trustee, senior manager or key volunteer, you now have a means to both measure success and effectiveness to and also identify ways to improve your efforts and achievements.

Explore the options on offer here to determine what might be best to assist you and your Charity through our services:

  • Periscope Support a broad-spectrum consultancy and contracting service.
  • Periscope Tools ways you can easily and cost-effectively understand how your Charity is performing in relation to others in your sector or across chosen brands
  • Periscope Programmes offers a range of workshop options that can be tailored to assist you and your organisation's leaders and key contributors
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