Order your Periscope Report - special offer

To obtain the most relevant comparison for your organisation, you will need to make some selection relating to:

  • The types of other Charities against which you wish to be compared

We compare your Charity with similar Charities - Arts Charities with other Arts Charities; Sports with Sports; Social Services with Social Services and so on.

Note: If your Charity is registered under an “Other” category or something equally vague, then a useful comparison may not be made. We will contact to discuss options.

  • The geographic territories to be included in the comparison.

You may or may not wish your Charity to be compared against other Charities based in the same City/District (or even Region) as your Office is located. We can provide you with choice.


Order Form

Select one region which best describes your region


Select one territory which best describes your territory


Select which categories you wish to have your charity compared against


“The Board greatly appreciated expertise and depth of analysis … and the succinct and sound advice arising from it that challenges us to make several significant changes.”

Pauline, Chair
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