Knowing the 'rules of the game' or 'tricks of the trade' can make such a difference to you in your role as a trustee, manager or key volunteer working with a Board or management committee. The following workshops have been developed specifically to help make a difference to the success of your Charity or Community group.

The list below outlines the programme from each of seven different workshops. To enquire on options we can offer click here.

Successful Organisations 

What does success look like? How can success be measured?

A successful organisation doesn’t happen without a lot of understanding, planning, organising, people, promotion and money.

This workshop covers the full range of vital attributes needed to lead a successful organisation. It is an excellent introduction for new committee members, trustees or key staff and volunteers

Specifically the workshop covers:

  • The true value of having a clear vision

  • Balancing programme delivery against the needs of running an organisation

  • Acquiring and protecting all your resources

  • Gaining traction in your market

  • Attracting funding

  • Developing sensible and achievable plans

  • Finding assistance in a changing world

Leadership Excellence

Where is any organisation without a competent leader at the helm? This half-day workshop for Presidents, Chairmen and women, Co-leaders and anyone else in a leadership role, focusses on defining the skills, behaviours, attitudes and responsibilities of excellent chairmanship of small to medium-sized Charities, Clubs and branches of an organisation, including

  • Defining the role of leadership

  • Leading your Committee

  • Nurturing your organisation

  • Developing and maintaining external relationships

  • Strengthening yourself

Trustee Excellence 

Being a  member of a charitable board or committee can enable you to make a significant difference.

This half-day workshop focusses on the attributes of being an excellent committee, board member or trustee of any small to medium-sized charity, club or branch including:

  • Knowing your legal, moral and ethical responsibilities and obligations

  • Defining your role in governance, trusteeship and management

  • Fulfilling the expectations of your role

  • Understanding information

  • Practicing good decision-making 

  • Supporting the leader and working with others

  • Playing the representation game

Treasurer Excellence

This half-day workshop focusses on exploring and defining the attributes of the person most responsible for managing the organisation's finances. The half-day programme includes:

  • The difference between accounts management and treasury management

  • Understanding the role of money

  • Differentiating between the day-job and committee meetings

  • Ensuring the mechanics are attended to

  • Budgeting and reporting

  • Working with Auditors

  • Acquiring what’s needed.

Planning excellence 

As the saying goes, “if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” This half-day workshop explores how best to plan sensibly for any small to medium-sized Charity, Club or Branch of an organisation including:

  • Focusing on the differences between long, medium and short-term needs

  • Understanding strategy and its jargon

  • Ensuring your operational needs are catered for

  • Avoiding overlaps and gaps

  • Linking plans to budgets

  • Keeping plans alive

  • Celebrating milestones.

Getting the funding mix right

This half-day workshop explores and defines how the funds required to ensure balanced organisational performance can be sought with minimum effort for any small to medium-sized Charity, Club or Branch of an organisation including:

  • Balancing the funding diet

  • Knowing what funding options best suit your organisation

  • Understanding contracting and accountability

  • Identifying differences with business and public sectors

  • Knowing the consequences and benefits of user-pay approaches

  • Seeing sponsorship through the eyes of the sponsor

  • Recognising the role of fundraising

  • Appreciating the pros and cons of accumulating funds

Successful market penetration

Just how you promote your vision and organisation to get the backing and support you need is crucial to success. This half-day workshop helps identify how achieving market penetration is key to attracting the right levels of support and providing the appropriate levels of service for any small to medium-sized Charity, Club or Branch of an organisation including:

  • Understanding how to cut through the clutter

  • Knowing what your message is and how best to convey it

  • Speaking yourself or having someone else say it for you

  • Networking and lobbying

  • Researching and using available information to advantage

  • Utilising the media

  • Having an opinion people can rely on

To enquire on the options above please click here.







Here’s what workshop participants are saying …

“Relaxed, informative and on time!”

Nancy, Trustee

“Excellent workshop covering all aspects of fundraising. Useful for paid staff and volunteers.”

Hella, Volunteer

“Great information. Stimulates focus on opportunities that are available.”

Brian, Committee Member

“Great opportunity to learn more in-depth skills to ensure your organisation has good parenting.”

Diane, Manager

“A positive lens through which to consider and understand your organisation. I certainly recommend getting along if you want to understand, grow or at all improve your organisation.”

Michael, Trustee
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